

Good FridayFriday 7th April 23
Easter MondayMonday 10th April 23
May Day Monday 1st May 23
Spring Bank HolidayThursday 29th May 23
August Bank HolidayMonday 28th Aug 23
Christmas DayMonday 25th Dec 23
Boxing DayTuesday 26th Dec 23
New Years DayMonday 1st Jan 24


Training Dates 2023

The practice will be closed for staff training on the following dates:-

*4th Thursday of every month.

27th January 20201pm-3pm 
27th February 20201pm-3pm 
26th March 20201pm-3pm
23rd April 20201pm-3pm
28th May 20201pm-3pm
25th June 20201pm-3pm
23rd July 20201pm-3pm
27th August 20201pm-3pm
24th September 20201pm-3pm
22nd October 20201pm-3pm
26th November 20201pm-3pm

All other dates we are open our normal working hours:

  Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8.00am - 6.00pm, Tuesday 7.30am - 6.00pm  and Thursdays 8.00am - 8.00pm


Accident, Fall, Sudden onset Chest pain, Breathing difficulties or Collapse:

If you require a doctor and the surgery is closed and you cannot wait until we re-open: - please contact NHS 111 Service.  This is an Out of Hours GP service and calls to 111 are free from Landlines and Mobiles. 




Latest News

Important.  Parkside Medical Practice and Horton Park Practice merger proposal.


Parkside Medical Practice and Horton Park Medical Practice are proposing that we will come together (merge) to form a single GP practice from Tuesday 1st October 2024. Please read this information sheet to find out more about our proposals and what this means for you. You do not need to take any action if you would like to stay registered with our practice.

Please click on the link for more information 

Patient Merger Announcement Information Leaflet

September 2021

FLU VACCINE 2021/2022


People who are most at risk from the complications of flu are recommended to get a flu vaccine every year. This winter it is especially important with flu and coronavirus (COVID-19) both in circulation. Research shows that if you get both at the same time you may be seriously ill.

Click the picture for more details.

Please call the practice on 01274 521111 to book into the flu clinic.

GP privacy notice: GP data for planning and research

This practice is supporting vital health and care planning and research by sharing your data with NHS Digital.

Click here for more details and also how to opt out if If you don’t want your identifiable patient data to be shared for purposes except for your own care.

HALE Young People’s Social Prescribing Service

Are you a young person aged 9-19 years?

Are you:

  • Worried?
  • Lonely or Isolated?
  • Feeling Low?
  • Experiencing life changes?
  • Struggling to set goals and aspirations?
  • Experiencing low self esteem or confidence?
  • Needing some help and support?
  • Lacking empowerment to make positive choices?
  • Wanting to access social groups and community activities?

We can help.

Click here for further information.

COVID-19:  GP practice Hubs

Four GP hubs will manage the urgent primary medical needs of patients who have possible symptoms of coronavirus, or are self-isolating as part of a household. They will look after you if you have any medical problem that does not require treatment at a hospital and would normally be provided by your own family doctor (GP). 

Click here for more information regarding the COVID-19: GP Practice hubs

Are you Shielding?

The guidance will be changing soon. You will be receiving a written letter explaining the new guidance, but a summary is below:-

  • Shielding guidance will be relaxed in stages, subject to clinical evidence:

    • From 6 July: the guidance for the clinically extremely vulnerable will be relaxed to allow shielded individuals to meet up to 5 people from other households outdoors, socially distanced, and to form support bubbles if they live alone or are a lone adult with a dependent under 18.

    • From 1 August: the clinically extremely vulnerable can stop shielding. The guidance will be updated to allow this cohort to go to the shops and places of worship, while following current social distancing rules.

  • The food and medicine boxes facilitated by the National Shielding Service will stop as of 1 August as individuals are advised they can visit shops and pharmacies. However, other forms of support – such as priority supermarket delivery slots and the NHS Volunteers Scheme, amongst a range of local volunteer schemes – will continue. If an individual is concerned about support after 1 August, they should contact their local authority.

  • The categorisation of ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ will remain in place indefinitely and people in this cohort should continue to follow the guidance specific to them, available here. This is because community transmission and the R number will continue to be closely monitored and the government will tighten advice to this cohort as needed.

  • Shielding guidance has been and continues to be advisory.

  • Everybody in the ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ categorisation will be written to from today outlining these steps.

Yellow Fever - We are a registered Yellow fever Centre.

The yellow fever virus is spread by mosquito bites in towns and rural areas where the disease is prevalent. It isn’t caught through having physical contact with an infected person. Your best method of avoiding the disease is to get vaccinated and prevent mosquito bites.

Click here for more informaton on Yellow Fever Vaccination

Living Well - Dedicated to your wellbeing

Living Well is a Public Health initiative led by Bradford Council in partnership with three NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) - Airedale Wharfedale and Craven, Bradford City and Bradford Districts CCGs.

Their aim is to support people to adopt healthier lifestyles and reduce their risk of preventable illness.

Living Well are running several events in and around Bradford.

See website below for more details on events including dates & locations:-

Overuse of Blue Inhaler in Asthma

Your blue inhaler is an essential emergency treatment if you are having an asthma attack BUT using a blue ‘reliever’ inhaler more than three times a week is a sure sign that your asthma is out of control. Overuse can increase your risk of dying from the condition.

See below for further details and advice where this may be the case:-

Overuse of Blue Inhaler in Asthma

Breast Screening

Pennine Breast screening will be inviting all our female patients aged 50-70 years old in the next few week’s/ months. This happens every 3 years and is a very important test. Please telephone 01274 365521 if you have missed it or would like to change your appointment or for any questions you may have. More information can be found about breast screening on

Parkside Medical Practice now offering Weight Management Support

The Practice is now offering weight management support as from 01.01.2019 to patients with a high body mass index. This is available for patients over 18 years old and not having any support/intervention from the practice. The appointments are 20 minutes long. Please book an appointment with Michael Nunn for further information.

Changes to Extended Access

Extended Access is the provision of Parkside Medical Practices core GP services outside of the current ‘standard’ GP hours (8am to 6:30pm).

The Extended Access project is designed to be as fluid and adaptive as possible, and as such the services offered will change to reflect patient’s preferences.

Therefore as from 2nd April 2018, the Extended Access Service operates from three different locations as below.

Click here for more information.

Cervical Screening CRUK

What is Cervical Screening?

Cervical screening is a way of preventing cancer by finding and treating abnormal cell changes in the neck of the womb (cervix). These changes could lead to cancer if left untreated. 

Click here for more details.

Together Woman TWP logo

Empowering women to promote REAL change

Together Women Project moves women out of crime into positive futures, working with them in safe, women-only spaces, building resilience and developing strengths that enable them to move away from damaging lifestyles. 

Click here for more details.

Improving access to general practice: evening and weekend appointments now available

Patients who are registered at Parkside Medical Practice can now book an appointment to see a GP or nurse on weekday evenings (after 6.30pm) at Picton Medical Practice.

For more details select the link below:

Parkside Extended Access

Talk to the practice receptionist to find out more or book an appointment.

NHS Antimicrobial Campaign 2017-18

The department of health have launched a campaign to raise awareness of antibiotic resistance and their effective use in treatment.

See below for more details:-

Antimicrobial Campaign 2017 - 18

4th September 2017

Extended Hours - Pre-booked Appointments Only

Tuesday early morning and Thursday late evening surgeries are for pre-booked appointments only.  They are for patients who work or cannot attend at any other time. 

The practice entrance door will be locked for these periods. 

If you have a pre-booked appointment please press the buzzer on the right hand side of the door and the receptionist will let you in.

17th July 2017

EPS - Electronic Prescription Service

Parkside Medical Practice has now using the Electronic Prescription Service.   

The Electronic Prescription Service allows your prescription to be sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice.

To sign up, you need to speak to your preferred pharmacy and complete a form to confirm that they can receive your prescription directly.

Once you have signed up, your chosen pharmacy will receive your prescription electronically and you will not have to pick up your paper prescription from us.

If you have already nominated a pharmacy, your prescription will be sent to them electronically unless you tell us otherwise. If you need to obtain a paper prescription for any reason, just let us know at the time of ordering.

This service is optional and you can continue to collect paper prescriptions as you do now if you prefer.

For more information, please speak to your pharmacist.

5th July 2017

Sharing Your Data - Your Health Record and Sharing of Information

Your health record includes your medical history, details about your medication and any allergies you may have. You can now choose whether to share these full medical details.

With your permission, clinicians can share your full record held here with other healthcare services who are providing care for you. These other services will ask your permission to view your record.

These other health care organisations may include other GP practices, out of hours services, children’s services, community services and some hospitals. Sharing your health record will help us deliver the best level of care for you.

You have two choices which allow you to control how your record is shared. You can change these choices at any time by letting the relevant practice or service know.

Please see document below for further details and details on how to make your choice.

Sharing Your Data


13th Feb 2017

Named GP

Changes to the GP contract mean that all patients in England, including children, will benefit from having a named, accountable doctor who will be responsible for coordinating their care. By the end of June 2015 the practice is required to assign all our patients a “Named GP”.  All our existing patients have now been allocated a named GP by the practice. For ease this will be the same as your registered GP. All new patients will be allocated a named GP on registration or within a minimum of 21 days. This will be the same as the registered GP. You can still talk to any of our clinicians not just your Named GP.You can still have appointments with any of our clinicians not just your Named GP.


3rd Jan 2017

Patients Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

This information is to support patients who may be vulnerable and/ or have additional needs, who will require additional assistance to order their repeat medication, either from the practice or from a pharmacy.  A person who may require assistance is an individual who is at risk of being unable to order or manage their own medication supplies due to life circumstances such as age, mental illness or capacity. Patients who may require additional assistance to manage their medication ordering, either from the practice or from a pharmacy, may be those patients who have or are: 


 Elderly housebound/ socially isolated 

 Palliative care 

 Serious mental health issues 

 Learning disabilities 

 Complex health needs 


If you fit into this criteria please speak to the Receptionist or your local Pharmacist and we will endeavour to help solve and help your situation.


Thank you


Pauline Woodrow Practice Manager  

28th Nov 2016

Parkside Communication Questionnaire

We are always trying to improve the way in which we communication with patients.  This process includes attempting to make information more accessible and easy to understand.  To help us to this could please print out and complete the following questionnaire and hand it in to reception:



A & E (Accident & Emergency Dept)  IS FOR EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY - NOT routine or ongoing medical problems or minor ailments.  If you require a Doctor when the surgery is closed and you CANNOT wait until we re-open and A&E is not appropriate, please dial 111 -  NHS 111 calls are free from landlines and mobiles

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website